Tag Archive: Document Scotland



16 February 2015 A bus journey home from work can be a little dull. But, hey, the evenings are getting lighter, and there is always an old Canon compact in my pocket. Let’s play. Here we are on the number… Read more >

A hill-top under red sky


07 February 2015 – There are more people out and about at the weekend, so, if I’m making photographs I tend to go out avoidingly late. This evening I was walking under weak and failing light, close to  Glasgow’s south-western… Read more >

Six hours of light

27 December 2014 – At last, a fine day and the time to use it! This time of year there are little more than six hours of light and many consecutive days of continuous rain. The sun, when it appears,… Read more >

The shadow of a tower block

22 November 2014 – There are always surprises. You study the local map and spot a road you have never travelled along. Perhaps it is because the sun is shining that you make that little detour – just to see… Read more >

A small party of Finches

19 November 2014 – They flew out of the shrubery as I got out of the car. Goldfinches, chattering to each-other in that particular goldfinchy manner they have, bobbing away down the bank. Today the location is local because time… Read more >

Folio Review

5 September 2014 Document Scotland and the Welsh collective A Fine Beginning are currently exhibiting at Street Level Photoworks here in Glasgow. Last friday the two groups jointly ran a Portfolio Review session and I was fortunate have my Glasgow’s Edgelands photographs… Read more >