The new Glasgow hospital
July 14th 2015 – The golden hour again. I am side-tracked on my way home by the architecture of the new South Glasgow – or is it the Quuen Elizabeth.
July 14th 2015 – The golden hour again. I am side-tracked on my way home by the architecture of the new South Glasgow – or is it the Quuen Elizabeth.
19th June 2015 – It is still shocking to think of the fire that destroyed so many student’s work and did such great damage to the Mackintosh building last year. This year the Fine Art show was in the Tontine… Read more >
16 April 2015 – It happens very gradually, almost imperceptably. The greening. So far only Sallow and Hawthorn are shifting the colour of hedge and scrub, opening the play as Robins and Blackbirds open the dawn chorus. Soon Birch and Poplar… Read more >
14 March 2015 – I am a little out-of-area today. I find myself on the Paisley side of the border and spot a path beyond a fence. I can’t resist. Days are lengthening and Coltsfoot, always the first thing to… Read more >
16 February 2015 A bus journey home from work can be a little dull. But, hey, the evenings are getting lighter, and there is always an old Canon compact in my pocket. Let’s play. Here we are on the number… Read more >
07 February 2015 – There are more people out and about at the weekend, so, if I’m making photographs I tend to go out avoidingly late. This evening I was walking under weak and failing light, close to Glasgow’s south-western… Read more >
04 February 2015 – The sound of a drumming woodpecker broke the quiet. A dog-walker crossed above the Blacksey Burn on muddy but frozen-firm ground. The sun, diffused behind motionless thin cloud, drew a light which was bright yet shadowless…. Read more >
22 January 2015 – The cloud felt like it was a mile thick, heavily pressing down on the land in a sulk. Not much light made it through the layers of vapour, but what little there was emerged diffuse and… Read more >
16 January 2015 – He’d had his computing exam this morning and chemistry this afternoon. I am looking out of the window for the boy coming home when the snow, big frothy clumps of it, begins to fall. Each passing… Read more >
08 January – I had surgery on my mouth yesterday. Eating is tricky, talking is uncomfortable and my face is sore. But the sun shines and, bored of laying in bed feeling sorry for myself, I decided to dose-up on… Read more >