Tag Archive: weather

A bit of a heat-wave

1st July 2015 – England has been under Saharan air for days, and finally it has crept up here. Warm, still, close and light ’till very late now. Heading along beside the water, driving home from Helensburgh, I wound down… Read more >

Two fields

27th June 2015 – Two images made today about twenty miles apart, both from the side of the road and both are really the same shot. Nerston (south of Cambuslang) and Bannockburn (south of Stirling) in their summer colours.

Lunchtime in Irvine

24 March 2015 – On the coast and beneath a magnificent sky is a fine place to find yourself at lunchtime. Munching on an Asda scotch egg, I leave the car and explore dunes and municipal leasure buildings. There is… Read more >

Difficult light

22 January 2015 – The cloud felt like it was a mile thick, heavily pressing down on the land in a sulk. Not much light made it through the layers of vapour, but what little there was emerged diffuse and… Read more >

Glasgow skies

Folk don’t complain about the weather in Glasgow, they just keep their heads down and get on with it. The sky is often grey for days on end and yes, it does rain a lot. According to the Met Office,… Read more >